18 Feb 2016 | pythonTiming execution with timeit
Using the module timeit
we can time the execution of pieces of code, and repeat the process <number>
Here is an example from the Reminiz_experiments/datasets/rcmd.py
import timeit
...RCMD class definition...
def time_func(call, setup, nb_repeat=3):
t = timeit.timeit(call, setup=setup, number=nb_repeat)
avg_t = t / nb_repeat
s = '%.6f s in average for "%s"' % (avg_t, call)
return s
if __name__ == "__main__":
setup = 'from __main__ import RCMD\nrcmd = RCMD()'
nb_repeat = 3
calls_to_time = [
'rcmd.idsToPaths([1, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000])',
for call in calls_to_time:
print(time_func(call, setup, nb_repeat=nb_repeat))
0.020010 s in average for "rcmd.actorToTracks(23)"
0.020802 s in average for "rcmd.movieToTracks(22)"
0.000094 s in average for "rcmd.idsToPaths(1)"
0.000306 s in average for "rcmd.idsToPaths([1, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000])"
1.334021 s in average for "rcmd.trackToIds(155)"