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Using pg_dump and pg_restore to save and reload a PostgreSQL database

Test settings:

  • origin DB: PostgreSQL 9.5.5, saving rcwd took ~5-10 min for an output file of 1.6G
  • destination DB: PostgreSQL 9.4.8, restoring rcwd took ~5-10 min for an output file of 1.6G

Saving the database

pg_dump -F tar -f $SAVE_FILE $DB_NAME
  • $SAVE_FILE file to store the output
  • $DB_NAME db to save
  • -F tar to save in a tar file

Restoring the database

pg_restore $SAVE_FILE -d $DB_NAME --clean
  • $SAVE_FILE file to store the output (file format is inferred from the extension
  • --clean erases the database $DB_NAME before restoring the data (fresh start)
  • pg_dump
  • pg_restore
