20 Jul 2017 | python terminalThe objective
The library cmd helps you to create a simple terminal with simple help and autocompletion build in templates.
The bases
You create a class MyShell that herites from cmd.Cmd. To run the prompt just use Shell().cmdloop()
in your python code.
If you want to create a feature get_something in your shell, you write 3 methods :
: the function that gets the something if you write in the promptget_something
: this will give you some help if you write in the prompthelp get_something
MyShell.complete_get_something(text, line, begidx, endidx)
: this will allow you to create an autocompletion method for your function (this is optional)
A simple example
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Simple example of a command line tool that just list the movies or display the movie id
import cmd, sys
import os
import time
import MySQLdb
import subprocess
from tabulate import tabulate
MOVIES = {1: 'batman', 2: 'robin_et_batman', 3: 'batman_et_robin'}
NAMES_TO_ID = {movie_name: movie_id for movie_id, movie_name in MOVIES.items()}
print "The database of movies:"
print tabulate(MOVIES.items())
class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
intro = "Welcome message ! Type help for more infos"
prompt = "(Simple example RFFP) "
# Get all movies function
def do_get_movies(self, arg):
print tabulate(self.MOVIES.items())
def help_get_movies(self, arg):
print "Get all movies"
# Get the id of a specific movie
def do_get_movie(self, movie_name):
print 'movie_name :', movie_name
print 'movie_id : ', self.NAMES_TO_ID[movie_name]
def help_get_movie(self):
print 'Display the name and the id of the selected movie'
def complete_get_movie(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if not text:
completions = self.NAMES_TO_ID.keys()
completions = [ f
for f in self.NAMES_TO_ID
if f.startswith(text)
return completions
def do_exit(self, arg):
'Stop recording, close the turtle window, and exit: BYE'
print('Good bye !')
return True
def do_EOF(self, arg):
print "exit"
return self.do_exit(arg)
if __name__=="__main__":