Improve everyday.

Installing Neovim



Nvim is asynchronous and multicore. Already enough to consider it a way to go…

Migration from vim to nvim

Start by reading some stuff there :help nvim-from-vim. The following will describe the main steps :

  1. Installing Neavim with python support :
      sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neovim-ppa/stable
      sudo apt-get install neovim
      sudo apt-get install python-neovim # Or "pip2 install neovim"
      sudo apt-get install python3-neovim # Or "pip3 install neovim"
  2. You will create an init file for neovim that links everything to a classic vim configuration. In ~/.config/nvim/init.vim add the following lines :
      set runtimepath+=~/.vim,~/.vim/after
      set packpath+=~/.vim                
      source ~/.vimrc                     
  3. Use Plug to install packages. Get the file plug.vim and copy it to ~/.vim/autoload/plug.vim. Inside nvim, you can now use :Plug... commands. Check the (#usefull-plugins) section for a basic plugins setup.

  4. Create the right alias by putting in your ~/.bashrc : alias vim=nvim

Usefull plugins

