20 Jul 2017
Using promises in javascript can be a little painful.
If you use a recent enough revision of js, you can handle this differently.
For example, this code:
function do_stuff(url) {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
fetch(url).then(response => {
response.json().then(data => {
Can be rewritten like this using async/await:
async function do_stuff(url) {
const response = await fetch(url);
const data = await response.json();
return data;
Marking a function async
makes it return a promise.
Putting await
before a promise waits for it to resolve and returns
the argument that would have been passed to resolve
WARNING: this feature is not included in ES6, but can be added with plugins
and is part of ES7.
This is understood by many browsers.
20 Jul 2017
The objective
The library cmd helps you to create a simple terminal with simple help and autocompletion build in templates.
The bases
You create a class MyShell that herites from cmd.Cmd. To run the prompt just use Shell().cmdloop()
in your python code.
If you want to create a feature get_something in your shell, you write 3 methods :
: the function that gets the something if you write in the prompt get_something
: this will give you some help if you write in the prompt help get_something
MyShell.complete_get_something(text, line, begidx, endidx)
: this will allow you to create an autocompletion method for your function (this is optional)
A simple example
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7
# Simple example of a command line tool that just list the movies or display the movie id
import cmd, sys
import os
import time
import MySQLdb
import subprocess
from tabulate import tabulate
MOVIES = {1: 'batman', 2: 'robin_et_batman', 3: 'batman_et_robin'}
NAMES_TO_ID = {movie_name: movie_id for movie_id, movie_name in MOVIES.items()}
print "The database of movies:"
print tabulate(MOVIES.items())
class Shell(cmd.Cmd):
intro = "Welcome message ! Type help for more infos"
prompt = "(Simple example RFFP) "
# Get all movies function
def do_get_movies(self, arg):
print tabulate(self.MOVIES.items())
def help_get_movies(self, arg):
print "Get all movies"
# Get the id of a specific movie
def do_get_movie(self, movie_name):
print 'movie_name :', movie_name
print 'movie_id : ', self.NAMES_TO_ID[movie_name]
def help_get_movie(self):
print 'Display the name and the id of the selected movie'
def complete_get_movie(self, text, line, begidx, endidx):
if not text:
completions = self.NAMES_TO_ID.keys()
completions = [ f
for f in self.NAMES_TO_ID
if f.startswith(text)
return completions
def do_exit(self, arg):
'Stop recording, close the turtle window, and exit: BYE'
print('Good bye !')
return True
def do_EOF(self, arg):
print "exit"
return self.do_exit(arg)
if __name__=="__main__":
- https://wiki.python.org/moin/CmdModule
07 Jul 2017
To link a figure in a latex document :
\hyperref[fig:label]{Figure \ref*{fig:label} }
Then, when clicking on the “Figure N” text, it will send you to the caption of the figure.
You can add
And it will send you to the top of the figure.
07 Jul 2017
Can be useful when porgramming JS so that the UI is resilient to slow requests.
In one line:
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gaiaadm/pumba pumba netem --tc-image gaiadocker/iproute2 -d 24h delay -t 100 <docker_container_name>
This adds a 100ms delay on every packet for the chosen container.
can be a regexp by prefixing with re2:
For example to add delay to all containers prefixed with nlpnertoolbox
docker run -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock gaiaadm/pumba pumba netem --tc-image gaiadocker/iproute2 -d 24h delay -t 100 re2:^nlpnertoolbox
More doc on the github README. pumba
can actually be used for much
more than just delay.
20 Mar 2017
Custom auto-completion for bash functions
First, create a bash function (in .bash_aliases
or .bashrc
# Attach a docker container with a new bash, with completion
docker exec -t -i $1 /bin/bash
Custom autocompletion from a list of words
complete -W "coucou pouet" docker-new-bash
Outputs when tabbing
alexandre@father03:~$ docker-new-bash [tab]
coucou pouet
Custom autocompletion from a bash function
Auto-completion proposals are in COMPREPLY
COMPREPLY=("coucou" "pouet")
complete -F _docker-new-bash docker-new-bash
Outputs when tabbing
alexandre@father03:~$ docker-new-bash [tab]
coucou pouet
Copy the autocompletion of another bash function
# Copy autocompletion from other function
# load bash-completion if necessary
declare -F _completion_loader &>/dev/null || {
source /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion
eval set -- "$@"
# add '' to COMP_WORDS if the last character of the command line is a space
[[ ${COMP_LINE[@]: -1} = ' ' ]] && COMP_WORDS+=('')
# index of the last word
COMP_CWORD=$(( ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} - 1 ))
# determine completion function
completion=$(complete -p "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $(NF-1)}')
# run _completion_loader only if necessary
[[ -n $completion ]] || {
# load completion
_completion_loader "$1"
# detect completion
completion=$(complete -p "$1" 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $(NF-1)}')
# ensure completion was detected
[[ -n $completion ]] || return 1
# execute completion function
# Return array of completions
echo "${COMPREPLY[@]}"
local comp=$(get_completions 'docker attach ')
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "$comp" -- $cur) )
complete -F _docker-new-bash docker-new-bash
Outputs when tabbing
alexandre@father03:~$ docker-new-bash [tab]
vod_product_compute vod_product_mysql
alexandre@father03:~$ docker attach [tab]
vod_product_compute vod_product_mysql